internet and its uses.

internet and its uses.

Internet and how it works

The internet is a powerful tool that connects people all over the world. It allows us to communicate with friends and family, access information, and even shop online. But have you ever wondered how the internet works?

To understand the internet, think of it like a big city. The city is made up of many smaller neighbourhoods, and each neighbourhood has its streets and houses. The internet is similar, it's made up of many smaller networks that are connected. These networks can be homes, businesses, or even entire cities.

When you want to visit a website, your computer sends a message to the server that stores the website's information. The server then sends the information back to your computer, where it is displayed on your screen. This happens very quickly, so you can access the website in just a matter of seconds.

The internet also uses something called IP addresses to help your computer find the right server. Just like a street address tells you where a house is located, an IP address tells your computer where to find the server that stores a website's information.

The internet is a powerful tool, but like anything else, it has its risks. It's important to be safe online by using strong passwords and being careful about the information you share. But overall, the internet has changed the way we live, work and communicate, and it continues to evolve and bring new possibilities to our daily lives.